4 min Read

Essential Stages of Incident Management

Team GoodFlow

The key component for the success of your business is Incident Management. When you go back to the basic process then it will never make you feel hurt. Incident Management is the process that comes in mind quickly when we think of IT. The main purpose of the incident management process is to restore normal services without causing any adverse impacts on business operations.

Steps of incident management

1. Incident Detection 

Before the identification of the customer you always be able to detect incidents prior. It does not matter that the issue is minor or major but the main aim is identifying the issue before the customer spots it. This will help to provide great customer services and let you on the top of all things.

  • Identification – The beginning of incident management starts with problem identification. By using different tools this situation can be handled. For example: To identify specific resource utilization issues such as disk space, CPU, memory, etc., infrastructure tools used. The behavior and identifying POV problems of users such as response time and service availability will mimic by end-user experience tools. The users can also help you in detecting unknown problems that infrastructure cannot able to report. 
  • Logging – For improving your process, logging events will always allow you to trace them at any point. This will help you to identify past issues and trends. 
  • Classification – The data can be categorizing by classification of events for reporting and analysis purposes so that you can easily identify the main field of an event like whether it is of hardware, software, service, etc. More than 5 levels of classification are not recommended by anyone as it makes things very confusing. The company can start with the top-level like Hardware/Software/Service or Problem/Service request.
  • Prioritization – The assigning of resources and handling of the events is determined by prioritization. The events of prioritization require a bit longer discussion but consideration of impact, urgency, and risk is very important. 

2. Diagnosis and Investigation

The source of the problem and how it can be fixed all are figured out by the diagnosis. The incident needs to be investigated which may take a little time. The investigation helps you to understand better the situation that has been happened and can able to prevent future problems. One of the most difficult parts of the incident management process is probably an investigation. To analyze the root cause of the problem 80% of the time spent and 20% is spent on fixing the issue. The minor issues like loss of password can be diagnosed and investigate easily and resolve with the First Call Resolution. 

3. Repair 

The repairing step helps in fixing the problem. Primarily for bringing back a service quickly for the implementation of a temporary fix or workaround involves the gradual process. An incident repair consists of anything like a service restart, a hardware replacement, and even complex code change software. 

4. Resolution 

To solve the incident, you need to figure out the problem and create an efficient and effective resolution. This will help in the further steps of solving a problem.

5. Recovery 

There are 2 parts that include in the recovery phase:

  • Closure – The notifications or alerts of the problem that is sent to the user which needs to be handled is Closure. This will help you to notify the problem resolution. In your logging system closure also entails the final closure of the issue.
  • Prevention – The activities that help to prevent a single incident from happening again are referred to as prevention. 

6. Monitor 

The follow-up stage in customer service is referred to as monitoring. The working should be monitor perfectly that it is going with the flow and make sure that the resolution you figured out will be worked exactly you decided.