4 min Read

How Enterprise Process Management can Make Your Business More Successful

Showvhick Nath, co-founder GoodFlow & AppradiusShowvhick Nath

The activity of detecting and regulating an organization's processes in order to align them with business goals as the firm matures is known as enterprise process management (EPM). EPM software assists businesses in defining the steps necessary to complete a business process, mapping business definitions to current processes, and then streamlining or improving processes to increase efficiency.

Enterprise process management (EPM) is built on business process management (BPM) principles, processes, and methods.

What is the need for EPM in Small Medium business(SME) or large size business?

EPM helps leaders identify how to deploy, manage, and assess corporate resources by aligning business operations with customer demands. When done correctly, EPM can increase efficiency and productivity, lower costs, and decrease mistakes and risk, all while improving results. Best practices in business process management contribute to solid financial management and visibility into how effectively a firm is fulfilling its objectives. If you want to start a continuous improvement program in your company, EPM is a good starting point. Continuous Improvement is a long-term strategy for making minor changes over time rather than making a large change all at once.

EPM is also a technique to gain more value out of existing investments, particularly IT investments. Enterprises should seek methods to improve their capacity to generate additional value from the systems and technology they invest in. Today, the majority of IT funds are spent on "keeping the lights on"; in reality, 70% or more of existing IT budgets are spent on supporting and running existing capabilities, with just 30% or less of these budgets being spent on creating new business capabilities.

Demanding features of EPM

Forms and processes are easily modeled

One of the most significant characteristics of a BPM system is an intuitive graphical representation of both processes and web forms. This feature allows business users to easily develop and deploy their own processes and forms without the need for coding. Furthermore, a graphical model makes it simple to capture and display the flow of a process, ensuring that all team members are on the same page. 

Modeling of workflow structure

Enterprise architectural modeling enables you to model end-to-end value chain activities in your BPM system, even when they span projects, tasks, and departments. You get a "bird's eye" perspective of operations using enterprise architecture modeling, allowing you to build the best architecture for the task.

Integration of project management

When process and project management are combined, you get a more powerful BPM solution than if you use separate platforms for project and process management. Your team will have an easier time handling end-to-end situations like new product development when projects and processes can exchange data and resources.

Capture, management, and analysis of data

Is your system capable of capturing, managing, and analyzing any kind of business data? Is it capable of handling leads, orders, assets, and spares in a single data model? Expect nothing less than completely searchable data that can be used with real-time dashboards and reports.

The importance of managing business processes

Almost every company's activities are dependent on business procedures. They are the blueprints for all types of business processes, allowing different elements of the company to collaborate and connect with suppliers and consumers.

The interplay of a company's business processes determines how flexible, efficient, and agile it can be.

The issue with managing business processes

  • Many businesses establish business processes in isolation from the other processes with which they interact.
  • Worse, they don't develop business processes at all.
  • Processes are frequently created as a result of "how things have always been done" or as a result of software systems dictating them.
  • Every member in the tam doesn't use the EPM/BPM tool.

As a result, many businesses are limited by their procedures and will remain so unless they are optimized.

The optimized way to manage your business processes

  • Using a optimized EPM solution like GoodFlow and ensure that your business processes are connected. Lead management workflow must be connected with client onboarding workflow , so when ever a lead converts to client, the client onboarding workflow starts automatically and the onboarding team reaches out to the client to do the needful as defined in your workflow.
  • Implementing new learnings and best practices in the existing process and improve the parent workflow/process template. It encourages your team to learn what is working and what is not and always ensures the team is following current process to execute the job.
  • Creating a workflow for even small works, like IT hardware issues, new vendor evaluation. Benefit is - you have to define a workflow mainly once, each interaction will be tracked and will help you in future.
  • Encourage everyone to follow the processes and work in the EPM tool to keep things transparent and easy to track.

What are the core factors for success in an enterprise?

Communication Effectiveness - The purpose of business process management is to find and remedy flaws in how we do things. It is impossible to uncover problems with proper process and, as a result, impossible to address them without efficient, honest communication. 

Fix Your Goals - Business process management necessitates frequent changes in business techniques, but the goals that drive such changes should remain constant. Consider it as an archery match. We may enhance our odds of reaching the target by continually improving how we shoot an arrow or handle the bow. We significantly reduce our odds by continually shifting the aim.

Understand who is in charge of what- Any management approach must-have elements of responsibility and accountability. Assigning particular project ownership to specific persons assures that they will have the leadership and monitoring they require to be successful.

No Silo- A silo is an isolated process or body of information that is detached from the rest of the firm, according to business process management terminology. Every aspect of the firm is connected to every other section of the company in a fully successful BPM system, allowing advancements in one area to propagate to other areas.

First, implement, then optimize- There is no need to do everything just right the first time since business process management is all about ongoing, incremental modifications. It is feasible, and sometimes advantageous, to install a less-than-ideal system rapidly with the goal of improving it later. That is essentially what BPM is about.

It makes sense to incorporate change into the way we do business when the one certainty we have is that things will change. We can assist guarantee we have the tools available to adapt with the times, no matter how swiftly, and stay competitive by keeping these seven components of business process management in mind.